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Government Partnership

We can help you with Federal and State Training Grants, Tax Credits, and Layoff Services.  

Federal Training Grants

i2k identifies workforce and economic development grants, prepares proposals or concept papers, negotiates agreements, and consults with grant teams to ensure compliance.

Tax Credits

i2k identifies and applies for federal, state, county and municipal tax credits for capital investments, employment, and training activities.

State Training Grants

i2k identifies grant opportunities, prepares proposals/applications, negotiates agreements and consults with grant teams to assure compliance.

Layoff Services

i2k helps clients mobilize the publicly-funded workforce system to provide no-cost career transition services and layoff avoidance training when appropriate.

Skills & Training Services

Grant Amount: $987,620
Total No. of Existing Jobs to be upgrated: 1,060
Total No. New Jobs to be created and upgraded: 570

I can help you with Federal and State Training Incentives.

For more information on our gp team, email us at


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